Wednesday, August 16, 2006

update: summer road trip

as i posted here, i wanted to go on a road trip with my mom this summer. well, half of that statement has occurred: i went on a road trip, just not with mom!!!!

i went for a road trip with my friend and her three kids, driving across canada, for a month! it was a blast, you can read more here.

now, i still have to go on a road trip with MOM...... mom, you hear this? we gotta go on a road trip!!!!!! lol.

sing a song in church

done it. "ride the waves". once in my home church, once at a ladies retreat, and once in a church on the other side of the country. ta da! :P

the last one was pretty amazing how it came about: on my month-long cross-canada trip with a friend, we went to a cute little church that reminded us a fair bit of our home church.... after the service, my friend was yakkin' with the pastor and his wife, and they invited me to play the song for them right then and there! about half of their small congretation was still there (and i mean small, about 10 people~!), and they set me up with their amped guitar, and fitted the clip-to-yer-head microphone around my dreddies (talk about tight!) and i was off.... and they worshipped along and one lady flagged, too.

it was humbling to see that even in my unprepared state God could use me like that. to me it was a wretched playing/singing job on my part, but it seemed to really bless them.

beforehand, i said to one lady that i hated "performing"... she said you better get used to it becuase you're going to be doing it! prophetic, that i know. i said, "yah, i know, but i still hate it!!!" lol. meaning that i hate attention to ME when playing my God-songs, i'm too self conscious, it should all be about God. if i could be behind a curtain and play, i'd be happy? dunno! lol.